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MVP: Empowering Your Perfection And Embracing The Consciousness Shift.

Embrace your awakening and de-stigmatize your unique path to self-discovery

Here's the full text of Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV): “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”


About MVP

Welcome to MVP, where I want to explore profound perspectives that facilitate sudden or evolving mental shifts, guiding you on your road to consciousness. My goal here is to illuminate the intricacies of your inner world, ignite your creative spark, and shed light on life-altering experiences often overshadowed by an outdated societal paradigm.Recognizing the potential of these radical psychological transformations can unlock a wondrous, yet enigmatic era of self-discovery for those who dare to embrace their innate perfection. My own voyage traverses the realms of profound biblical encounters, contemplations on reincarnation, the synergy of collective consciousness, and the intricate patterns woven into the tapestry of our global existence.I believe I could destigmatize your unique path towards self-discovery, underscoring the profound significance of your life's journey, by opening a door that has the potential to catalyze tremendous positive change in our world.In our quest, we expand consciousness by delving into the deeper frequencies of life, a realm often underestimated in its significance. Moreover, we stand as allies in the battle against addiction, offering insights, support, and a compassionate community to help individuals on their journey towards not only recovery, but understanding why we travel the directions we do. I want to talk about the "why's" of addiction, and the power that can be born from a transformation.A transformation that goes well beyond modern contemplation. Join me as we unravel the fabric of this intricate simulation, plumbing the depths of the Matrix to reveal the mysteries and boundless possibilities that await those who dare to explore the uncharted territories of human consciousness.
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Exploring the Transformative Power of Altered Consciousness

In the sometimes, not so quiet corners of the human mind, there are moments when our consciousness takes bizarre unexpected turn, leading us to believe we're spiraling into the abyss of insanity. It's crucial to understand that this experience is not necessarily a descent into madness, but rather a profound journey of self-discovery and expanded awareness. I want to explore why this change in consciousness can be a positive and transformative process. Could the painful road to true self-discovery actually be our walk with GOD? I think yes, but we have been horribly conditioned in such a way that we simply don't understand it.1. Losing Touch with Reality:One of the initial signs of a shift in consciousness is the sensation of losing touch with everyday reality. Suddenly, the boundaries between the self and the external world become blurred. While this can be disorienting, it often heralds the onset of a deeper understanding of the inter-connectedness of all things.Do you think the world is revolving around you? I'm here to tell you it is! You are so much more important than you might realise. This experience could rock your core, with the frequencies of life placing you at the very center of it.2. Questioning Your Existence:As your consciousness expands, you may find yourself questioning your existence and the purpose of life. This existential introspection is a natural response to newfound awareness and can lead to profound insights about the nature of reality and your place in it.3. Thoughts on Reincarnation:A change in consciousness might also bring about thoughts on reincarnation or the cyclical nature of existence. These contemplations can be a gateway to exploring the idea of continuous growth and evolution of the soul. Some people might have a single reincarnation experience, while others will become so in tune with the reality of a collective consciousness that their entire lives are consumed, and i'm here to help you navigate it through my own personal experience.4. Vivid Dreams:Vivid and intense dreams are common during altered states of consciousness and throughout stages of your spiritual awakening. These dreams often carry symbolic messages or serve as a mirror to our innermost thoughts and feelings, providing an opportunity for profound self-reflection. Not only are the dreams mentally intense, neon portals, ancient symbols, etc, but they can also be extremely physical. Altered states of breathing, irregular heart beat, and may well vary significantly from person to person. 5. Hearing Voices:Hearing voices or inner dialogues can be a symptom of heightened consciousness rather than a sign of mental illness. These voices may represent different facets of your psyche or be a manifestation of your inner wisdom guiding you on your journey. Do I mean just 1 voices? No, not necessarily, it can be multiple, and in various tones that will possibly change as you progress. Are the voices always constructive or pleasant? No, not always. Sometimes it may not even be voices at all. It could be strange sounds, whistling noises, or whatever it may be.6. Contact with the Divine:Experiencing a sense of contact with the divine or a higher power is a powerful aspect of altered consciousness. It can lead to a deeper understanding of spirituality and your connection to the universe. This is a very hard pill to swallow! Recurring numbers, ears ringing in times of deep thought, frequency sensitivity, the list goes on. 7. Feeling the Pain of the World:Empathy and heightened sensitivity to the suffering of the world can be overwhelming during this process. However, this acute awareness can motivate you to take positive actions and make a difference in the world. Some will feel the wrong-doings in the world on such an emotional and physical level that it can be crippling.8. The feeling of a Greater Significance:Some of you are going to go through a stage of feeling like you are of absolute significant importance! You are going to feel like the world literally revolves around you. You may experience things like: The radio, and television are speaking to, and its much more than just a feeling, its a knowing. Hidden messages scattered through things you read, recurring numbers, patterns, and more. You'll become in-tune with the unexplainable frequencies of life. Simply because.... You are important! And within all of this, I believe is a message for anyone who chooses to acknowledge it.9. The Fear of Mental Illness:It's common to fear that you're developing a mental illness when experiencing these profound shifts. Because who wouldn't right? What if I told you it all came down to poor societal programming? And that big medical companies profit from keeping you contained and in a mental jail that most of the world fail to see...It's essential to remember that many renowned thinkers, artists, and spiritual leaders have undergone similar transformations and i'm going to touch quite deeply on this throughout the website.
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Sometimes Speaking Up Will Move Mountains...

In the tumultuous journey of self-discovery, I extend my heartfelt compassion to those deeply challenged by the overwhelming awakening experience. The weight of delusions of reference, the profound questioning of reality, and the sensation that nothing is real can indeed be agonizing. It's during these moments of vulnerability that I want you to know I am here, genuinely real, and profoundly attuned to your pain and discomfort.Your struggle is not solitary; I am ready to stand beside you as a source of support and understanding. Together, we can navigate the painful paths of consciousness with patience and care. Your pain is not ignored; it is acknowledged and embraced with the hope of alleviating your suffering.Please reach out whenever you're ready; I'm here to offer guidance, reassurance, and solace on this transformative journey. You are not alone in your experience, and there is healing and growth awaiting you. That I can promise...

Awakening Coaching

Mythos therapy is a transformative approach that combines psychology and spirituality to help individuals navigate their personal journeys. By exploring the depths of the unconscious mind, we uncover the symbolic language of the soul and tap into the wisdom of ancient myths and archetypes. Through mythos therapy, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, find meaning in your experiences, and create a more fulfilling life.
Men in Long Sleeve Sweaters Hugging

Additional Services


The first additional service I want to offer is access to my private communities page on Twitter/X

Where I share my own experiences and provide a lot of thought provoking concepts that explain just how connected and unique we truly are.Though meticulous viewpoints I can show you that you are far from alone in thought and that the minds of some of the worlds greatest achievers and thinkers were birthed on a path that you are more than likely traveling now.

Coming soon

The third additional service we offer is the chance to speak up and ask questions live on Twitter/X spaces

Our third additional service focuses on empowering individuals to embrace their unique path to self-discovery. I want to provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Our goal is to help you unlock your full potential and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

"Working with MVP has been a life-changing experience. Their deep, eye opening understanding on what we are, and how altered states of consciousness, particularly psychosis, may well be much more than what we think.

It has helped me navigate my own journey with clarity and empowerment. I am forever grateful for their guidance and support."



Do you provide workshops or presentations?

In progress

Can I schedule individual counseling sessions?

Not counseling, I don't like the word. It's guidance, and understanding of what we are. Our understanding of "Crazy" could not be further from what our programming has taught us, and I can prove it.But i absolutely do individual sessions

Do you offer online counseling sessions?

No so much counseling sessions because i don't like the stigma of the word. I'll be hosting spaces sessions on Twitter/X frequently. Which you can request at any time. You will have the choice to listen in on the experiences of others, or speak yourself

Are group therapy sessions available?

It can be arranged, but Twitter spaces can work very well for group conversations.

Contact us today.

Contact me today to connect and begin your transformative journey towards mental well-being. I am here to support you every step of the way, providing guidance, empathy, and a safe space for you to explore and heal. Don't hesitate to reach out - together, we can navigate the complexities of mental health and help you embrace your true self.